Sep 16, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Well, we are into the full swing of school/work, homework, religion, dance, choir, chorus, PT/OT and Matt will even start soccer next week and possibly Tai kwon do (depending on the cost). The kids are both doing pretty well. Sam is still struggling with a sinus infection. Still green. Still lots of blowing. Yuck. It's only been a week, we may have to up the type of antibiotic although you'd think the weekly doses of Bactrim would help...not so much.

Working 30 hrs a week has made the home front not run as smooth (like it was b4, not)...laundry, dirt, lots of dog hair...but it'll all get done eventually. Everyone else does it, right?

I'm quite concerned about Sam and school. She has missed a great deal of school in the past 2 1/2 years and it is really showing. This is her 1st time back full time and 4th grade is no joke. I'm not sure how much is Methotrexate (in spine) related and how much is plain not used to it...but she is wiped out. Physically, mentally... it's tough on her. But you'd never know it on the only happens here at home where it is safe. I have requested a meeting with the new guidance counselor at the kids school and hopefully she will work with me to figure out what to do to help her, whether it be a alternative learning plan, tutor...something. We'll see.

We are still trying to get our team together for the Light The Night Walk (Nov 8th). Please join us, if you are local or donate if you can...the links to join/walk/donate are to the left.

Also check out the Chili's's an easy way to help. The Presidente Margarita? I'll take 2 please!!!

That's about it, off to bed (6:15 is very hard for me...) Thanks for checking in and for keeping Sam and all kids fighting this disease and the side-effects the "cure" (meds) has given them... If 1 more person tells me that Leukemia is the "Good " cancer or gives me that 90% cure rate BS, watch out, I may swing... and please keep the other 10% families in your prayers...they have names and they are greatly missed, every. single. day. (Mathew, Sierra, Jimmy, Emily...the list grows daily).

With Never Ending Hope for a CURE ,
K, J, S & M


Dan Cohen said...

My dear buddy Sammi,

I hope that you feel better fast and that the sinus infection goes away fast.

I think about you and your family every day.

Sending all of you hugs.

Dan Cohen
North Miami Beach, FL

Margie said...

Hi Sam- Hope your sinus infection is a little better today. I get one or two a year & they are miserable. Tell your mom all that housework stuff will wait for her don't worry. Keepin gall of you in my prayers.

Merry Christmas from the Lee family!

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