Aug 25, 2008


Here are some pictures from today...

Ok, today was a pretty good day, all in all. After school (which has been going fantastic with 100% happiness and 100% attendance!) Sam had her appointment with the dermatologist. Last month they were fairly certain it was psoriasis...and it may have been. BUT, this month, nothing! She was released! We only have to go back if she has any issues. All clear! She was thrilled, to say the least, as was I. Those $40 co-pays (for nothing) aren't fun and neither is the itching (and worrying).

Tonight, the kids and I were very happy to attend a pottery painting event at the Pottery Patch in Valrico. The Pediatric Cancer Foundation's Cure Kids Cancer Challenge is Sept 13th and we went tonight to paint tiles that will be used as trophy's of some sort. We also plan to attend the event on Sept 13th. You can go to the link to the left to find out more about how you can help. It was a tough night for me, although it was so nice to see so many Cancer Mom's and kids. There were a lot of kids that were not there that should have been and it hurts so much to see these moms without their kids. And then there were kids there in the throws of treatment, looking pale and sick. I can't even explain it. I spent the time painting, enjoying Matthew's constant chatter (Sam was off doing her own thing) and praying for my friends and their families ... it was good, but bad. Weird. I felt out of place and kind of not totally there but I was honored to be part of such an incredible organizations event (or pre-event). Please keep these kids battling cancer in your prayers & the families who have lost their children... Thank you.

With Hope 4 A Cure,

1 comment:

Anissa Mayhew said...

I know the words I want to leave, and I hope you know the unspoken ones that I don't leave here.

But I love you, I am always here for you. I know it's a hard time, perhaps harder than expected since this is supposed to get easier, right? Just know you've got friends and we love you.

Merry Christmas from the Lee family!

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